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Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition Kindle Edition
The first edition of Crucial Conversations exploded onto the scene and revolutionized the way millions of people communicate when stakes are high. This new edition gives you the tools to:
- Prepare for high-stakes situations
- Transform anger and hurt feelings into powerful dialogue
- Make it safe to talk about almost anything
- Be persuasive, not abrasive
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherMcGraw Hill
- Publication dateSeptember 16, 2011
- File size3.7 MB

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Editorial Reviews
From the Publisher
Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler are cofounders of VitalSmarts, an innovator in corporate training and organizational performance. Together they have developed award-winning training products based on more than thirty years of ongoing research and have helped more than 300 of the Fortune 500 realize significant results by driving behavior change.
About the Author
Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler are cofounders of VitalSmarts, an innovator in corporate training and organizational performance.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Crucial Conversations
Tools for Talking When Stakes Are HighBy Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny Ron McMillan Al SwitzlerMcGraw-Hill
Copyright © 2012 Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al SwitzlerAll right reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-07-177132-0
Chapter One
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. —GEORGE BERNARD SHAWWhat's a Crucial Conversation? And Who Cares?
When people first hear the term "crucial conversation," many conjure up images of presidents, emperors, and prime ministers seated around a massive table while they debate the future. Although it's true that such discussions have a wide-sweeping impact, they're not the kind we have in mind. The crucial conversations we're referring to are interactions that happen to everyone. They're the day-to-day conversations that affect your life.
Now, what makes one of your conversations crucial as opposed to plain vanilla? First, opinions vary. For example, you're talking with your boss about a possible promotion. She thinks you're not ready; you think you are. Second, stakes are high. You're in a meeting with four coworkers and you're trying to pick a new marketing strategy. You've got to do something different or your company isn't going to hit its annual goals. Third, emotions run strong. You're in the middle of a casual discussion with your spouse and he or she brings up an "ugly incident" that took place at yesterday's neighborhood block party. Apparently not only did you flirt with someone at the party, but according to your spouse, "You were practically making out." You don't remember flirting. You simply remember being polite and friendly. Your spouse walks off in a huff.
And speaking of the block party, at one point you're making small talk with your somewhat crotchety and always colorful neighbor about his shrinking kidneys when he says, "Speaking of the new fence you're building ..." From that moment on you end up in a heated debate over placing the new fence—three inches one way or the other. Three inches! He finishes by threatening you with a lawsuit, and you punctuate your points by mentioning that he's not completely aware of the difference between his hind part and his elbow. Emotions run really strong.
What makes each of these conversations crucial—and not simply challenging, frustrating, frightening, or annoying—is that the results could have a huge impact on the quality of your life. In each case, some element of your daily routine could be forever altered for better or worse. Clearly a promotion could make a big difference. Your company's success affects you and everyone you work with. Your relationship with your spouse influences every aspect of your life. Even something as trivial as a debate over a property line affects how you get along with your neighbor.
Despite the importance of crucial conversations, we often back away from them because we fear we'll make matters worse. We've become masters at avoiding tough conversations. Coworkers send e-mail to each other when they should walk down the hall and talk turkey. Bosses leave voice mail in lieu of meeting with their direct reports. Family members change the subject when an issue gets too risky. We (the authors) have a friend who learned through a voice-mail message that his wife was divorcing him. We use all kinds of tactics to dodge touchy issues.
Jurassic Sales Call
Author Joseph Grenny takes you inside the VitalSmarts Video Vault and introduces you to Rick, who is training a new sales associate. Watch as the new associate, Michael, causes a scene in front of a client. How would you handle this crucial conversation?
To watch this video, visit www.CrucialConversations.com/exclusive.
But it doesn't have to be this way. If you know how to handle crucial conversations, you can effectively hold tough conversations about virtually any topic.
Crucial Conversation kroo shel kän vur sa' shen) n A discussion between two or more people where (1) stakes are high, (2) opinions vary, and (3) emotions run strong.
Just because we're in the middle of a crucial conversation (or maybe thinking about stepping up to one) doesn't mean that we're in trouble or that we won't fare well. In truth, when we face crucial conversations, we can do one of three things:
• We can avoid them.
• We can face them and handle them poorly.
• We can face them and handle them well.
That seems simple enough. Walk away from crucial conversations and suffer the consequences. Handle them poorly and suffer the consequences. Or handle them well.
"I don't know," you think to yourself. "Given the three choices, I'll go with handling them well."
When It Matters Most, We Do Our Worst
But do we handle them well? When talking turns tough, do we pause, take a deep breath, announce to our innerselves, "Uh-oh, this discussion is crucial. I'd better pay close attention" and then trot out our best behavior? Or when we're anticipating a potentially dangerous discussion, do we step up to it rather than scamper away? Sometimes. Sometimes we boldly step up to hot topics, monitor our behavior, and offer up our best work. We mind our Ps and Qs. Sometimes we're just flat-out good.
And then we have the rest of our lives. These are the moments when, for whatever reason, we're at our absolute worst—we yell; we withdraw; we say things we later regret. When conversations matter the most—that is, when conversations move from casual to crucial—we're generally on our worst behavior.
Why is that?
We're designed wrong. When conversations turn from routine to crucial, we're often in trouble. That's because emotions don't exactly prepare us to converse effectively. Countless generations of genetic shaping drive humans to handle crucial conversations with flying fists and fleet feet, not intelligent persuasion and gentle attentiveness.
For instance, consider a typical crucial conversation. Someone says something you disagree with about a topic that matters a great deal to you and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. The hairs you can handle. Unfortunately, your body does more. Two tiny organs seated neatly atop your kidneys pump adrenaline into your bloodstream. You don't choose to do this. Your adrenal glands do it, and then you have to live with it.
And that's not all. Your brain then diverts blood from activities it deems nonessential to high-priority tasks such as hitting and running. Unfortunately, as the large muscles of the arms and legs get more blood, the higher-level reasoning sections of your brain get less. As a result, you end up facing challenging conversations with the same intellectual equipment available to a rhesus monkey. Your body is preparing to deal with an attacking saber-toothed tiger, not your boss, neighbor, or loved ones.
We're under pressure. Let's add another factor. Crucial conversations are frequently spontaneous. More often than not, they come out of nowhere. And since you're caught by surprise, you're forced to conduct an extraordinarily complex human interaction in real time—no books, no coaches, and certainly no short breaks while a team of therapists runs to your aid and pumps you full of nifty ideas.
What do you have to work with? The issue at hand, the other person, and a brain that's drunk on adrenaline and almost incapable of rational thought. It's little wonder that we often say and do things that make perfect sense in the moment, but later on seem, well, stupid.
"What was I thinking?" you wonder—when what you should be asking is: "What part of my brain was I thinking with?"
The truth is, you were real-time multitasking with a brain that was working another job. You're lucky you didn't suffer a stroke.
We're stumped. Now let's throw in one more complication. You don't know where to start. You're making this up as you go along because you haven't often seen real-life models of effective communication skills. Let's say that you actually planned for a tough conversation—maybe you've even mentally rehearsed. You feel prepared, and you're as cool as a cucumber. Will you succeed? Not necessarily. You can still screw up, because practice doesn't make perfect; perfect practice makes perfect.
This means that first you have to know what to practice. Sometimes you don't. After all, you may have never actually seen how a certain problem is best handled. You may have seen what not to do—as modeled by a host of friends, colleagues, and, yes, even your parents. In fact, you may have sworn time and again not to act the same way.
Left with no healthy models, you're now more or less stumped. So what do you do? You do what most people do. You wing it. You piece together the words, create a certain mood, and otherwise make up what you think will work—all the while multiprocessing with a half-starved brain. It's little wonder that when it matters the most, we're often at our worst behavior.
We act in self-defeating ways. In our doped-up, dumbed-down state, the strategies we choose for dealing with our crucial conversations are perfectly designed to keep us from what we actually want. We're our own worst enemies—and we don't even realize it. Here's how this works.
Let's say that your significant other has been paying less and less attention to you. You realize he or she has a busy job, but you still would like more time together. You drop a few hints about the issue, but your loved one doesn't handle it well. You decide not to put on added pressure, so you clam up. Of course, since you're not all that happy with the arrangement, your displeasure now comes out through an occasional sarcastic remark.
"Another late night, huh? I've got Facebook friends I see more often."
Unfortunately (and here's where the problem becomes self-defeating), the more you snip and snap, the less your loved one wants to be around you. So your significant other spends even less time with you, you become even more upset, and the spiral continues. Your behavior is now actually creating the very thing you didn't want in the first place. You're caught in an unhealthy, self- defeating loop.
Or consider what's happening with your roommate Terry—who wears your and your other two roommates' clothes (without asking)—and he's proud of it. In fact, one day while walking out the door, he glibly announced that he was wearing something from each of your closets. You could see Taylor's pants, Scott's shirt, and, yes, even Chris's new matching shoes-and-socks ensemble. What of yours could he possibly be wearing? Eww!
Your response, quite naturally, has been to bad-mouth Terry behind his back. That is, until one day when he overheard you belittling him to a friend, and you're now so embarrassed that you avoid being around him. Now when you're out of the apartment, he wears your clothes, eats your food, and uses your computer out of spite.
Let's try another example. You share a cubicle with a four-star slob and you're a bit of a neat freak. Your coworker has left you notes written in grease pencil on your file cabinet, in catsup on the back of a french-fry bag, and in permanent marker on your desk blotter. You, in contrast, leave him printed Post-it notes. Printed.
At first you sort of tolerated each other. Then you began to get on each other's nerves. You started nagging him about cleaning up. He started nagging you about your nagging. Now you're beginning to react to each other. Every time you nag, he becomes upset, and, well, let's say that he doesn't exactly clean up. Every time he calls you an "anal-retentive nanny," you vow not to give in to his vile and filthy ways.
What has come from all this bickering? Now you're neater than ever, and your cubicle partner's half of the work area is about to be condemned by the health department. You're caught in a self-defeating loop. The more the two of you push each other, the more you create the very behaviors you both despise.
Some Common Crucial Conversations
In each of these examples of unhealthy downward spirals, the stakes were moderate to high, opinions varied, and emotions ran strong. Actually, to be honest, in a couple of the examples the stakes were fairly low at first, but with time and growing emotions, the relationship eventually turned sour and quality of life suffered—making the risks high.
These examples, of course, are merely the tip of an enormous and ugly iceberg of problems stemming from crucial conversations that either have been avoided or have gone wrong. Other topics that could easily lead to disaster include
• Ending a relationship
• Talking to a coworker who behaves offensively or makes suggestive comments
• Asking a friend to repay a loan
• Giving the boss feedback about her behavior
• Approaching a boss who is breaking his own safety or quality policies
• Critiquing a colleague's work
• Asking a roommate to move out
• Resolving custody or visitation issues with an ex-spouse
• Dealing with a rebellious teen
• Talking to a team member who isn't keeping commitments
• Discussing problems with sexual intimacy
• Confronting a loved one about a substance abuse problem
• Talking to a colleague who is hoarding information or resources
• Giving an unfavorable performance review
• Asking in-laws to quit interfering
• Talking to a coworker about a personal hygiene problem
Let's say that either you avoid tough issues, or when you do bring them up, you're on your worst behavior. How high are the stakes? This is just talk, right? Do the consequences of a fouled-up conversation extend beyond the conversation itself? Should you worry?
Actually, the effects of conversations gone bad can be both devastating and far reaching. Our research has shown that strong relationships, careers, organizations, and communities all draw from the same source of power—the ability to talk openly about high-stakes, emotional, controversial topics.
So here's the audacious claim:
The Law of Crucial Conversations
At the heart of almost all chronic problems in our organizations, our teams, and our relationships lie crucial conversations—ones that we're either not holding or not holding well. Twenty years of research involving more than 100,000 people reveals that the key skill of effective leaders, teammates, parents, and loved ones is the capacity to skillfully address emotionally and politically risky issues. Period. Here are just a few examples of these fascinating findings.
Kick-Start Your Career
Could the ability to master crucial conversations help your career? Absolutely. Twenty-five years of research in seventeen different organizations has taught us that individuals who are the most influential—who can get things done and at the same time build on relationships—are those who master their crucial conversations.
For instance, high performers know how to stand up to the boss without committing career suicide. We've all seen people hurt their careers by ineffectively discussing tough issues. You may have done it yourself. Fed up with a lengthy and unhealthy pattern of behavior, you finally speak out—but a bit too abruptly. Oops. Or maybe an issue becomes so hot that as your peers twitch and fidget themselves into a quivering mass of potential stroke victims, you decide to say something. It's not a pretty discussion—but somebody has to have the guts to keep the boss from doing something stupid. (Gulp.)
As it turns out, you don't have to choose between being honest and being effective. You don't have to choose between candor and your career. People who routinely hold crucial conversations and hold them well are able to express controversial and even risky opinions in a way that gets heard. Their bosses, peers, and direct reports listen without becoming defensive or angry.
What about your career? Are there crucial conversations that you're not holding or not holding well? Is this undermining your influence? And more importantly, would your career take a step forward if you could improve how you're dealing with these conversations?
Improve Your Organization
Is it possible that an organization's performance could hang on something as soft and gushy as how individuals deal with crucial conversations?
Study after study suggests that the answer is yes.
We began our work twenty-five years ago looking for what we called crucial moments. We wondered, "Are there a handful of moments when someone's actions disproportionately affect key performance indicators?" And if so, what are those moments and how should we act when they occur?
It was that search that led us to crucial conversations. We found that more often than not, the world changes when people have to deal with a very risky issue and either do it poorly or do it well. For example:
Silence kills. A doctor is getting ready to insert a central IV line into a patient but fails to put on the proper gloves, gown, and mask to ensure the procedure is done as safely as possible. After the nurse reminds the doctor of the proper protections, the doctor ignores her comment and begins the insertion. In a study of over 7,000 doctors and nurses, we've found caregivers face this crucial moment all the time. In fact, 84 percent of respondents said that they regularly see people taking shortcuts, exhibiting incompetence, or breaking rules.
And that's not the problem!
Excerpted from Crucial Conversationsby Kerry Patterson Joseph Grenny Ron McMillan Al Switzler Copyright © 2012 by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. Excerpted by permission of McGraw-Hill. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.
Product details
- ASIN : B005K0AYH4
- Publisher : McGraw Hill; 2nd edition (September 16, 2011)
- Publication date : September 16, 2011
- Language : English
- File size : 3.7 MB
- Simultaneous device usage : Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Text-to-Speech : Enabled
- Screen Reader : Supported
- Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
- X-Ray : Enabled
- Word Wise : Enabled
- Print length : 273 pages
- Best Sellers Rank: #65,785 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
- Customer Reviews:
About the authors
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Joseph Grenny: The Social Scientist for Business Performance
Joseph Grenny is a New York Times bestselling author, acclaimed keynote speaker, and leading social scientist for business performance. For thirty years, Joseph has delivered engaging keynotes at major conferences including the HSM World Business Forum at Radio City Music Hall. Joseph’s work has been translated into 28 languages, is available in 36 countries, and has generated results for 300 of the Fortune 500 and nearly half of the Forbes 1000.
Dynamic Keynote Speaker
Joseph has shared the stage with Jack Welch, Colin Powell, Jim Collins, Daniel Pink, Patrick Lencioni, and Brene Brown at some of the world’s premier leadership conferences and organizations including:
• HSM World Business Forum
• Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit
• American Society of Training and Development
• American Bankers Association
Bestselling Author
Joseph is the coauthor of four immediate New York Times bestsellers with more than six million copies in print: Crucial Conversations, Crucial Influence (formerly published as Influencer), Crucial Accountability, and Change Anything.
He has contributed regularly to BusinessWeek and Forbes; appeared on The Today Show, CNN, Bloomberg, and Fox Business News; and been cited in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post.
Business Social Scientist
For the past thirty years, Joseph has conducted social science research to help leaders and organizations achieve new levels of performance. Specifically, he has focused on human behavior—the underlying written and unwritten rules that shape what employees do every day.
A protégé of Albert Bandura, Joseph’s internationally published research led to the development of his four books and four award-winning courses of the same titles. These tools have helped more than one million people and 300 of the Fortune 500 companies change human behavior.
Joseph was named an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year for his work in founding corporate training and leadership development company VitalSmarts, which has been ranked nine times by Inc. as one of the fastest-growing companies in America.
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Customers find the book easy to read and refreshing. They find the information helpful and useful, with good tips for navigating conversations. The book provides deep insights into the human psyche and relationships. It offers them valuable self-awareness and reminds them to stay calm. Readers consider it a great investment and worth the cost.
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Customers find the book easy to read and engaging. They say it's a great book for beginners looking into effective communication. It provides a clear understanding of the seven productive sales. Readers describe it as well-written and a quick read that breaks down several concepts.
"Truly one of the most practical and brilliant business books, and this from someone who loathes the average "New York Times best-selling..." Read more
"...It's worth rereading, not a read-once-and-drop-it kind of book." Read more
"Excellent book...." Read more
"...The book is intended to accessible to low level readers. There are some areas where I don't feel they were simplistic or clear enough...." Read more
Customers find the book helpful with its useful information and fresh perspectives. They appreciate the good tips and practical applications that illustrate tools and principles. The self-development books are ground-breaking, enabling you to envision things differently.
"...Another great tool you learn in this book is to state the mutual purpose and draw from that to bring yourself and the other person to the same side...." Read more
"I ordered this book because it seemed useful and I could see one of my friends behaving differently...." Read more
"Excellent book. Good tips offered when trying to continue dialogue, maintain or increase safety and being aware if the conversation is becoming..." Read more
"...While the techniques in this book are applicable to aspects of mediation, negotiation and cross-cultural communication, there is especial relevance..." Read more
Customers find the book helpful for improving conversation skills. They say it combines known communication practices with updated ones. The book helps them be more strategic in conversations and texts, Slack, email, and docs. It helps personal relationships as well as workmates and bosses. The authors break down communication into specific steps and give practical tactics to improve it.
"...when stakes are high, and if you are able to have a powerful crucial conversation, if you can train yourself to do this with the help of the amazing..." Read more
"...idea that productive dialogue is predicated on the free flow of information between parties, which cannot occur if any of the parties feel threatened..." Read more
"...This book proposes the idea that navigating those conversations is a skill (or a set of skills) that can absolutely be learned and sharpened...." Read more
"...change the way you interact, increase your confidence, and improve your relationships and ability to communicate persuasively." Read more
Customers find the book offers deep insights into the human psyche around relationships and interactions. It helps them stay calm, recognize danger signs in conversations, and deal with their emotions. Readers appreciate the real-world scenarios and how to have win-win conversations. The book provides skills, mindsets, and critical questions that help them feel less apprehensive about talking and embrace uncomfortable conversations.
"...This book offers deep insights into the human psyche around relationships and interactions, communications and relating to one another and the world..." Read more
"...a storm in the first place, but reading this book helped me feel less apprehensive about talking...." Read more
"...Good tips offered when trying to continue dialogue, maintain or increase safety and being aware if the conversation is becoming conducive or..." Read more
"...This book has helped me recognize that I was getting upset and helped me deal with my emotions so I could come back to the conversations from a..." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's value for time. They find it a quick read with potential for repeat perusal. The book provides useful tools and is reasonably priced.
"...with my wife and children and for that reason alone it was worth it...." Read more
"While there are no new principles presented in this book, it's well worth the time...." Read more
"...It's a book that you can re-read many times and still gain tips to help you through crucial conversations." Read more
"...had enough extra thought and material to back it up to make it worth the price...." Read more
Customers find the book provides good value for money. They say it's a great investment and helps with class assignments. The advice is useful for everyday life and professional settings.
"I got this as a cd, because it was cheaper than the audiobook. I liked the content, but did not really like the lady that read it...." Read more
"...Definitely worth about 20 dollars and a few hours to better your communication...." Read more
"...Its a bit humorous as well. Well worth your money." Read more
"...Its is very insightful and I found it at a good price." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's pace. They find it easy to read slowly or quickly, with anecdotes that provide instant results. The speed is suitable for listening while driving, helping them slow down and understand others better. Many also mention it's a good choice for their morning commute or on the elliptical.
"...(ie: lizard brain vs human brain, fast vs slow thinking)..." Read more
"...were sufficient and after reading this book - it really goes by very quickly especially with all the anecdotes sprinkled throughout - I know that I..." Read more
"...It helped me to learn to slow down and seek to understand the other person in the situation and how to approach and conduct a crucial conversation...." Read more
"This book showed up at the right time for me. I had been struggling for awhile with some coworkers and had taken the victim role...." Read more
Customers have different views on the book's length. Some find it short enough to read quickly, with concise chapters that get to the point. Others feel it could be shortened significantly.
"...Thankfully the book is short enough to be over quickly." Read more
"...It's a long book, but is really just a handful of principles that will change the way you interact, increase your confidence, and improve your..." Read more
"...The book is definitely worthy to be on a leader's bookshelf and many dog eared pages...." Read more
"Solid structure and good length make this a fairly light read with potential for repeat perusal...." Read more
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- Reviewed in the United States on December 11, 2016Truly one of the most practical and brilliant business books, and this from someone who loathes the average "New York Times best-selling business book!". This book offers deep insights into the human psyche around relationships and interactions, communications and relating to one another and the world of things that can go wrong - that does go wrong - on a daily basis. It applies to your relationship with your boss, business colleagues, partner, spouse, co-worker, friends, and your entire ecosystem. If you want something, you need to be able to communicate it. If you don't want something, you must be able to say it and every interaction has consequences. Do you want to keep the relationship? Do you want to be liked, trusted, loved, adored and still firm in your views? Or do you want to stay in the constant prison of power struggle, victim mindset, false stories and breakdown of communication with roller coaster of emotions?
I've already started using the tools in Crucial Conversations with my spouse. Right now, I'm happy to say that my relationship is in a very good place, but as I read the book, I reflected on years of misunderstandings and jumping to conclusions and seeing where I would often take the doomed route to nowhere, rather than the safe and smart path to a place of mutual understanding, trust and love. So I've started applying these principles and teaching my husband how to look for signs and how to communicate to me when he feels unsafe or unhappy in a conversation, or as the authors put it, when "dialogue" stops, because when you step out of dialogue, all breaks down, so the goal is to stay in dialogue when stakes are high, when emotions are strong.
Another great tool you learn in this book is to state the mutual purpose and draw from that to bring yourself and the other person to the same side. As you begin the process, you can create safety and trust by doing this very early on.
If you believe that communication is at the heart of getting things done, building relationships, creating an impact, as I do, then this is one of the BEST books on communication when stakes are high, and if you are able to have a powerful crucial conversation, if you can train yourself to do this with the help of the amazing techniques in this book, then you have a rare gift that helps you in all areas of life.
I've started recommending this book and even sending it to my clients, and teaching the principles in my coaching sessions. It is even worth a re-read. Highly recommended.
- Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2018I ordered this book because it seemed useful and I could see one of my friends behaving differently. I bought this in mind that a big storm was coming. I have made mistakes during emotionally charged conversations/arguments before and didn't want to go down the same path again. Not too soon after I purchased it, that friend brought the storm.
I took my time to read this and skim over it again before I entered the conversation because I didn't want to go in feeling attacked, defensive, or angry. I wanted to know how I could handle things. I didn't want to talk and head into a storm in the first place, but reading this book helped me feel less apprehensive about talking. I didn't want to go in ready to fight, I took my time talking on my own terms because I didn't want to lose my friend while feeling hot-headed. I explained my intentions on why I took long to not give off the impression that I didn't care.
The book took me about 6 hours to read but I didn't really count. I flagged many pages to the point when I almost ran out of flags. There were very few parts I skipped towards the end (of examples/possible scenarios that I didn't think related to me), but most of the book seemed very relevant. The many examples helped. I think as a reader it helps to take written/typed notes of your own as you go, but I did not take much (I will though).
When I felt I was ready to talk, I went in. I tried utilizing what I remembered. I did look at the smaller details to address them and tried not playing "trivia pursuit" on things that that were brought up. I got more of my friend's perspective. After we talked about our concerns, we found our misunderstandings and similarities regarding situations, as well as our viewpoints on both. I also brought up some possible agreements on how to avoid disrespecting each other in the future and if we did, the topic is left open so we can revisit our misunderstandings or perspectives again without making an ultimatum and to communicate more healthily if we think something is off between us. I didn't want to just get things off our chest, I wanted to make it easier for us to communicate in a similar manner (finding solutions) in the future. I wouldn't have gotten to this point if it weren't for this book. I honestly was prepared to lose a friend and in that scenario, none of us wins because we learned nothing about ourselves and others, we only saw our own viewpoints. By the end of our conversation, my friend seemed satisfied. We both have our similarities, though we handled things differently, this book played a part in bringing things up to light and how to go about it.
There are other things I am going to work on tackling, such as things in the workplace and not in my personal life and hope it turns out okay for everyone too.
I only read this once and skimmed it once after that, yet it helped me get this far. I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to get better at such conversations and arguments. It's worth rereading, not a read-once-and-drop-it kind of book.
- Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2017Excellent book. Good tips offered when trying to continue dialogue, maintain or increase safety and being aware if the conversation is becoming conducive or not.
The biggest takes I got from the book were:
1. Dialogue. When you talk to people, it's usually transaction based. When you're having an important conversation with someone say your superior, a friend who needs to hear something important or someone you're in a relationship with, you and them want to share both your ideas this "pool of ideas."
2. Safety first. If one person is becoming defensive or using cheap shots or being passive aggressive, then ideas are no longer being shared on one or both ends. This is not a good sign if the two of you are trying to figure out a solution to something.
3. Taking responsibility/accountability for your own actions. It's easy to play the victim card and say, "Well if so and so were more open/less defensive/listened more then etc..." Reading this book empowered me to believe that now if the relationship did not turn what I wanted to be, then it is because I was not able to communicate properly/therapeutically to the other person.
4. Imitating a crucial conversation by starting out with what you think is causing them to be defensive. i.e "You probably think I'm going to be upset about what you did last night but.."
5. Contrasting to disarm defensiveness: "I don't want you think that I am trying to hurt your feelings. I do want to see from your perspective what happened and figure out a solution to all of this."
If you want to learn how to deliver effective communication then this book is for you.
Top reviews from other countries
- VladReviewed in Germany on January 15, 2025
5.0 out of 5 stars A Practical Guide for High-Stakes Conversations
"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" is an incredibly useful resource for anyone looking to improve their communication skills, especially in situations where emotions run high and outcomes matter. While it didn’t captivate me as much as other books in the same category, like *Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion*, I still found its principles well-defined and highly applicable.
What I appreciate most about this book is its focus on creating safe and productive dialogue, even in challenging circumstances. The tools and frameworks, particularly the *STATE* method, are straightforward yet powerful, providing a clear roadmap to navigate tough conversations with confidence and mutual respect.
Although I haven’t had a crucial conversation recently, I feel much better equipped to handle one when the time comes. This book is more than just theory—it’s a hands-on guide for managing sensitive topics and preserving relationships while achieving meaningful outcomes. The emphasis on mutual respect, curiosity, and actionable strategies makes it a valuable addition to anyone’s bookshelf.
I plan to revisit *Crucial Conversations* in the future, especially when I face situations where stakes are high.
If you’re looking for a practical, research-backed guide to mastering difficult conversations, I highly recommend this book. It’s a must-read for both personal and professional growth!
- SkylarReviewed in Canada on November 22, 2020
5.0 out of 5 stars Recommended to almost anyone!
This is an incredibly helpful book. It deals particularly with how to handle emotionally charged conversations, where one or both of you is upset or angry or doesn't want to speak up. As I was reading this, I could only think of one person in my life that I know who actually does all of these things in conversation, and maybe one other person who's decent...meaning I really think the majority of people would benefit from reading this book, even if you don't think you're especially bad at dialogue. I bought this book because I was struggling to phrase things well when I was offering criticism -- it came off too attackingly -- and this has given me so much to think about and so much helpful advice. I think this would be especially helpful to parents and couples. Most of the examples are aimed at people in their 30s-50s, but it really seems like the sooner the better for reading it. The main message of the book was of how to be both honest and respectful -- to not avoid conversations you need to have until they're super big, to be respectful and listen but also to say what needs to be said in a way that the other person can hear without becoming defensive, and these are lessons that will help you with any relationship, including roommates, acquaintances, siblings, etc.
There are also links in this book to videos of example conversations -- I'm on to check those out next, as my response to finishing the book was sadness that there wasn't more! I think my dialogue skills have already improved in only a couple weeks of reading the book, and I will reread this going forward to help me as struggles arise.
Highly recommended.
SkylarRecommended to almost anyone!
Reviewed in Canada on November 22, 2020
There are also links in this book to videos of example conversations -- I'm on to check those out next, as my response to finishing the book was sadness that there wasn't more! I think my dialogue skills have already improved in only a couple weeks of reading the book, and I will reread this going forward to help me as struggles arise.
Highly recommended.
Images in this review
- Davide BenedetReviewed in Italy on March 28, 2022
5.0 out of 5 stars recommended to everybody
This book is just amazing.
It examines many situations of conversations which could be critical to our life and to out wellbeing.
It gives practical tools and analysis about how to carry on a conversation.
Highly recommended!
- JohelReviewed in Brazil on December 8, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Most practical book on dialogue and negotiation
I see this book as even more practical than Never Split the Difference and Start With No, because it creates the conditions for me to approach people in a more relaxed way and send the message that I want without the fear of the other person exploding at me or I exploding at her.
The reading is not very enjoyable, but It has a very good methodology and good stories that makes it worth reading and finishing it.
Congratulations for the simple, but very important book.
- Satyaki ChatterjeeReviewed in India on July 2, 2020
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Read
The book is surely a must-read if you deal with crucial conversation over workplace or at home. The book is full of tips and tricks to understand how to do better communication with much greater effectiveness. The book has a plethora of examples to make you understand and feel more confident.
Surely, if you're thinking to buy this book, go for it, you won't regret!