Immigration 101
Anyone involved in the hiring process at startups knows that we are in a competitive hiring market. Silicon Valley, New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles are competing for top talent -- especially engineering talent. Approximately 75% of these candidates come from outside the US and require work visas to be employed here. As a startup attempting to hire this talent, the process can be daunting if you don’t have the right resources and guidance. The Homebrew Immigration Guide for Startups will help you through the process of hiring someone who is not authorized to work in the US and provide you with the resources needed to make the process as easy as possible.
The Interview Process
When a candidate interviews for a job in the US, the interviewer is not allowed to ask “what is your immigration status?” The question must be worded differently. “Are you authorized to work in the US?” You can’t ask if the candidate has a work visa because of the rules outlined by the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. Check out Homebrew's HR Policy Guide at Startups if you want to learn more about what’s prohibited by the EOEC.
If the candidate is NOT authorized to work in the United States, she will need your company to sponsor her and provide a temporary work visa such as an H-1B visa. An H-1B visa is a work visa that allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. “Specialty Occupations” refer to jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree. This person can't be required to do admin work - they must work in their respective profession.
Why are visas something I need to be concerned with if I am in a talent function?
Approximately 75% of tech workers in Silicon Valley are not born in the US and will require work visas. If you are scaling a company and need to build an engineering team, chances are some of the candidates you are considering will need one of the following visa types*: H-1B, O-1, E3, TN, F1, JI
*Please refer to glossary for definitions of all these visas.
The main difference between the H-1B visa and the O-1 visa is that the H-1B visa has a cap. The O-1 Visa does not. Additionally, it is easier to obtain the H-1B visa vs. the O-1 visa. It is harder to prove that you are truly at the “top of your field” to qualify for an O-1 visa.
Countries like China, India, and Russia produce some of the top engineering talent in the world. In order to employ these engineers, your company will need to hire them legally, which means granting each one of them a specific type of visa. If you have candidates from Australia, Mexico or Canada, you will need to familiarize yourself with E3, and TN Visas (see glossary below).
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SOURCE: Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State FY 2016 Nonimmigrant Visa Issuances by Visa Class and by Nationality
How do I make sure the position I’m hiring for qualifies for an H-1B?
- The role is a “specialty occupation” requiring a college degree or the equivalent
- The role is designated as “professional” by the US Citizen and Immigration Services
- Does professional mean “senior”? What if I’m hiring an individual contributor technical candidate? It doesn’t necessarily mean senior. It means that the person’s responsibilities have been evaluated according to current standards in the industry.
I’m still not sure if the role meets the requirements. Are there attorneys who specialize in this type of work?
Yes, here are a few that come recommended by friends of the Homebrew family.
What about costs associated with H-1B visas?
When a company hires a candidate though the H-1B visa process, they are committed to renew the visa, process the green card and possibly take care of the candidate’s family visa issues. The basic costs: $460 for base filing fee, $500 for anti-fraud fee, $750/$1,500 for H-1B training fee.
*Costs will increase if you if you use outside legal resources (up to 6K).
What if a candidate has 2 employers -- a full time role and a part time role. One of their employers has a visa in process for them.
Do I need to file a separate application? Yes. Each company needs to file a separate visa application.
Who qualifies for H-1Bs?
- Candidate who has completed a BA/BS degree. If candidate does not have a BA/BS degree, experience may be substituted. 3 years of relevant experience is equivalent to 1 year of coursework
- Candidate is trained in a specific skill (accountant, software engineer, HR professional, etc.).
Who doesn’t qualify for H-1B?
- Candidate who has not completed BA/BS degree or does not have experience that can be substituted.
- Candidate is not trained in a specific skill.
How long is an H-1B visa valid?.
If you sponsor the employee for a green card, he may be eligible to extend their total time in H-1B beyond the standard 6 year maximum.
I have to terminate someone who is on an H-1B visa. What happens to them? Can they stay in the US without a work permit?
The termed candidate has 60 days from the date of termination to find another job and see that the new employer files for another H-1B visa OR change their status to another category of non-immigrant visa. If they can’t maintain status (either through finding another job or changing status) within ten days, they must leave the U.S.
How many H-1Bs does the government issue? I heard there is a cap.
Congress grants 65,000 H-1B visas every year but this only applies to new visas and does not apply to renewals.
There are also 20k reserved for people with advanced degrees obtained in the US. They recently changed the lottery so they will get higher priority.
How can I stay updated on visa cap information? What if something changes?
What about hiring new grads?
F-1 student visa doing OPT, and using the 2 year STEM OPT extension.
Immigrant Categories
Naturalized Citizen/US Citizen
Must be at least 18 years of age and have resided in US for 5 years continuously.
Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR)
Known as “green card holders” these are family, employment, and diversity based visas.
Conditional Permanent Resident
Spouses and their children of non US citizens who applied for lawful permanent resident status based on a qualifying marriage to a LPR or a citizen.
*Source: State Justice Institute
Visa Types
H-1B visa
A work visa that allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. “Specialty Occupations” refer to jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree.
O-1 Visa
Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement
The O-1 nonimmigrant visa is for the individual who possesses extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements. The O-1 Visa is not a capped visa. There is no annual limit regarding how many O-1s can be administered.
The O nonimmigrant classification is commonly referred to as:
- O-1A: individuals with an extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, or athletics (not including the arts, motion pictures or television industry)
- O-1B: individuals with an extraordinary ability in the arts or extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry
- O-2: individuals who will accompany an O-1, artist or athlete, to assist in a specific event or performance. For an O-1A, the O-2’s assistance must be an “integral part” of the O-1A’s activity. For an O-1B, the O-2’s assistance must be “essential” to the completion of the O-1B’s production. The O-2 worker has critical skills and experience with the O-1 that cannot be readily performed by a U.S. worker and which are essential to the successful performance of the O-1
- O-3: individuals who are the spouse or children of O-1’s and O-2’s
F1 visa
Issued to international students who are attending an academic program or English Language Program at a US college or university. F-1 students must maintain the minimum course load for full-time student status.
Stem OPT Extension
The STEM OPT extension is a 24-month period of temporary training that directly relates to an F-1 student's program of study in an approved STEM field. On May 10, 2016, this extension effectively replaced the previous 17-month STEM OPT extension.
K-1 visa
A visa issued to the fiancé or fiancée of a United States citizen to enter the United States. A K-1 visa requires a foreigner to marry his or her U.S. citizen petitioner within 90 days of entry, or depart the United States.
E3 Australian Work Visa
If you are considering hiring an Australian citizen, you will need to consider the E3 visa.
Candidates fall in the field of architects, economists, teachers, lawyers and computer professionals and should have a master’s degree.
TN (Nonimmigrant NAFTA Professional) Visa
This type of visa is for Mexican and Canadian citizens who want to work in the US. The TN visa is valid for 1 year with the ability to extend.
The J1 visa offers cultural and educational exchange opportunities in the United States through a variety of programs overseen by the U.S. State Department. J-1 training visa can be valid up to 18 months for somebody to gain training and work experience at your company that they then intend to take back to their home country.
What professions are eligible for the TN visa?
The list captures 50+ professions and you can see the full list here.
How do candidates apply for a TN visa?
It depends on where they are coming from.
- From Canada, you can apply when you reach the US border or airport.
- From Mexico, you need to go to the consulate before you enter the US.
For more information on TN visas, UpCounsel has provided all the details.
Green Card
In the US, a green card is proof that a foreigner has gone through the immigration process and become a US citizen. Legal fees for obtaining a green card approx. 15K.
EB-1 Priority Workers
- Foreigners with extraordinary ability in sciences, arts, education, business or athletics;
- Outstanding professors and researchers;
- Multinational execs and managers
EB-2 Professionals with advanced degrees or exceptional ability
- Foreigners, who, because of their exceptional ability in science, art, business or an area that will substantially benefit the national economy, cultural, or educational interests or welfare of the US.
- Foreigners who are members of professions holding advanced degrees or the equivalent.
EB-3 - Professional or Skilled Workers
- Professionals with a baccalaureate degree
- Foreigners able to do skilled labor (requiring at least 2 years of training or experience) for which qualified workers are not available in the US.
EB-4 - Special Immigrants
- Religious workers. Please visit USCIS for details and supporting documents needed.
- Certain physicians. Requirements include: graduated from medical school and qualified to practice medicine in foreign state by 1/9/1978.
As an employer, can I sponsor a current employee for citizenship/ a green card if they don’t have one?
You can, but this is a long, multi-step process. We recommend you work with an immigration lawyer to help you through all the steps. The cost for the company will be around $10,000 (including legal fees).
Where do I start?
- Employer secures Application for Permanent Labor Certification from the Dept. of Labor.
- Once approved, employer files Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, on behalf of the foreign national with USCIS.
Which employees can I sponsor?
A current or prospective national employee who is inside or outside the US and may qualify under 1 or more of the employment-based (EB) immigrant visa categories (divided into preference categories).
I’ve filled out this petition… what does this mean for the employee?
It shows that you have the intent to hire the employee (upon approval of the immigrant petition). You are proving that in the near future, you will have an employee/employer relationship, the employee has the qualifications for the role, and you are giving her a spot in line to wait to immigrate based on the EB category.
Once I file, how long do I have to wait until the employee can immigrate?
It depends on a few things such as how many people from that country are immigrating and how many people from each category. For some there is no waiting period and for others it can be a long process.
My potential employee has reached the head of the line. Now what?
They may be able to apply for US immigration. The “priority date” according to their place in line is driven by the date the labor certification is filed with the DOL. In the event a labor certification is not required, then the petition is filed with USCIS.
What if the national has a family? Do they follow the same process?
It is safe to say that when the employee applies to immigrate, the spouse and children (must be under 21 and unmarried) can apply as dependents.
Where do I get more information on status of a petition?
What if I want to hire a contractor/freelancer that is not authorized to work in the US?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to get someone a contractor type visa. The only exception is if someone is coming from an employment agency in their respective country and already has a work permit.
The process of sponsoring an employee for a visa or green card may seem daunting when you consider the paperwork and timing. Before you consider sponsoring a candidate, make sure you understand all the steps and requirements necessary. Getting counsel from an immigration lawyer at the beginning of the process may save money and time in the long run. It’s not a simple process and a specialist will help you avoid mistakes and provide options you may not have considered.
Homebrew Guides - How to Evaluate a Resume - Policy against Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying and Retaliation - The Process for Sourcing Talent - Diversity at Startups - Compensation at Startups - Human Resources Policy at Startups - Performance Management at Startups - Onboarding at Startups - Benefits at Startups
Updated 2.5.20